Ken gave up half way through once he learnt the words for food, beer and free.
Antigua was a nice little spot, cobbled streets, colonial town shadowed by volcanoes. We lived of fresh food from the markets most days.....can you ever get sick of 30c mangos.
The town is famous for its religious momuments....
....some of them have not stood the test of time.....
As it was approaching easter, the town was gearing up for big celebrations, church interiors were decorated...the picture on the floor is made from coloured saw dust.
On sunday, a religous procession marched around town for 16hrs. All the locals made carpets on the cbbled streets....pretty impressive sites....
After all the hard work, the procession (brass band, people dressed in all sorts of old school costumes and bout 100 people carrying float like structure of religous scenes) walk right over them and destoy all the hard work!
After a few days in the town it time time to concur our first volcano....Payaca. Wonder how close we could get to that lava?
The volcanic rock was like a fibreglass layer, hard work on the way up .......however the scree slopes were fun on the way down.
Srouting lava 10m away was very impressive......
Flowing lava under my feet even more impressive (apprently i got ripped off for buying my stick for a i made sure i got my monies worth!)
A beautiful sunset completed the trip.